This is a really tough story. A young woman had her sister’s support for many years, especially when she lived with her.
Everything was good at first, even when her sister got married to a businessman. The husband treated her like family, even giving her a job at his shop during school breaks.
But things got bad when the husband started making her feel uncomfortable by making advances at her. He said he’d pay for her education, but only if she slept with him that she didn’t want to do. She felt trapped because she depended on them for everything.
One day, things got worse when she woke up to find him doing something really inappropriate – fingering her. She was scared and upset but didn’t know who to tell.
Eventually, she decided to leave, even though she knew it would be hard to survive on her own.
After struggling for three years, she reached out to her sister for help. But her sister offered help only if she came back to live with them, even though she was scared of the husband.
Now, she’s unsure of what to do. She wants to go to school, but she’s afraid to be around her sister’s husband again. It’s a really difficult situation, and she needs support and help to figure out what to do next.
See post and reactions below:
” So I’ve been fortunate to have my sisters support for several years while I stayed with her. Everything was great in my first year in shs. She got married to a business man when I got to shs 2 and the husband treated me like a family. So during vacation I work for him as a sales girl at his shop and was officially employed after completing shs. The husband doesn’t pay me as a worker but gives me tips which I was okay with,cause they were the people taking care of my needs and everything. I became close to the husband more because of the work and I tell him everything about my life cause I didn’t have any friend around and my sister was in school. I had dreams of continuing my education and told my sister about it but since she got married,she wouldn’t give me any money unless the husband approves it and she tells everything I tell her to the husband which made me stopped having convo with her. Ff a year had passed and there was no sign of me going to school, cause the man didn’t want me to. So i talked to my sister about it and she spoke with the husband and he said he was going to finance my education. I bought forms and got admission in the university but this man gave me condition while my sister was away. He said if I want him to finance my education, then i have to be sleeping with him whenever he needs my services. I was left in shock and disbelieve cause this man looked so innocent and was highly respected. I couldn’t say a word and told my sister i wanted to leave to the village but couldn’t tell her the reason cause who was going to believe me. One day I was really tired from work and I slept off without locking my door and I woke up with the man fingering me. I was soo pissed and what he said was ‘no one will believe you when you tell them’ I cried the whole night and finally mastered the courage to move out even though i knew I wasn’t going to get help anywhere. I told her for the second time and she finally agreed for me to leave. I left and started searching for job and sent my cv to some companies but i couldn’t get any job after 1 month of staying with a friend in the city. I later moved to the village and things were really tough for me. I’m trying my best but is just not enough. It’s been three years since I completed shs and last year I called my sister and told her how life was treating me and that i needed her help. She said i should come stay with them if I want them to help. I’m confused right now cause nobody will believe me if I tell them and as for my sister, she trust the husband soo much. But I really want to go to school. ”
Tham – So the whole issue is that your sis husband has been molesting you Which no one will believe you if you say it Well go and stay with them but make sure you don’t entertain him And always be careful and vigilant him as you won’t spend the rest of your life there sis And get a good evidence Some men too hmm just like animals 🤔
JUice – Next time summarize everything. Too long . Ad3n ?
Manuel – Go back. But this time go with an egg. If the husband misbehaves… Feel free to use the egg
Deleted account – Hmmm I am even speechless
Paedae – Next time record him
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