A riveting video captures the harrowing rescue of a man from a flooded river, followed by a shocking turn of events as he faces a violent backlash for his reckless actions.
As the video begins, emergency responders can be seen grappling with the treacherous currents of the river, battling against the elements to reach the stranded individual.
Finally, against all odds, the man is rescued from the raging waters.
However, the jubilation is short-lived as the rescuer beats up the man he rescued.
The man was subjected to a barrage of blows and kicks.
See video and reactions:
— The Nairobi Times (@TheNairobiTimez) April 30, 2024
Yababa – Kenyans never learn. No one should crossed over flooded rivers.
Majuu – We should pray God to control the floods
samwel – Don’t cross swollen rivers
Gumba – The good slaps are for me
Shoreen – This should happen to everyone who is risking lives
Kaysparks – Very nice. This is the way now. We won’t allow ignorance claim more lives.
Ya baba – They should have called the police on him. He deserved to be charged with Attempted murder
reverse truth – African elders for you This reminds me of how my mother once beat me and my sister up after saving us from an attempted kidnapping. She literally saved our lives then proceeded beat us like nonsense. Anyway I have alot to thank her for because I wouldn’t be where I am without her