In a devastating turn of events, Abuakwa Maakro in the Ashanti Region was engulfed in tragedy as a young man, affectionately known as Fameye or Daddy, met his untimely demise yesterday.
The heart-wrenching incident has left the local community reeling from shock and sorrow.
Fameye, a hardworking individual known for his dedication to his job washing cars, was approached by a driver seeking his assistance. The driver, grappling with a mechanical issue beneath his truck, enlisted Fameye’s help to loosen a stubborn bolt.
With a willingness to lend a hand, Fameye positioned himself beneath the vehicle, hoping to assist the driver in resolving the issue. However, tragedy struck swiftly and unexpectedly when the weight of the truck proved too much to bear.
In a horrific accident, the truck collapsed suddenly, trapping Fameye underneath and inflicting a fatal blow to his head. Despite efforts to rescue him, it was too late, and Fameye succumbed to his injuries at the scene.
The news of Fameye’s tragic passing sent shockwaves through the tight-knit community of Abuakwa Maakro, leaving friends, family, and neighbors grief-stricken and in disbelief. As they grapple with the loss of a beloved member of their community, thoughts and prayers pour forth for Fameye and his grieving loved ones during this difficult time.
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