Amidst the chaos and destruction caused by the devastating fire at the Kantamanto market, a young man has been arrested by the police for allegedly looting during the incident.
According to eyewitnesses, the suspect was found in possession of a knife and was seen taking advantage of the situation to steal goods from the burning market.
The police swiftly intervened, apprehending the young man and taking him into custody.
The arrest comes as traders and vendors at the market are counting their losses and trying to come to terms with the extent of the damage.
The fire, which is believed to have started in the early hours of the morning, has left many without livelihoods.
The police have confirmed the arrest and are investigating the incident. The suspect is expected to face charges related to looting and theft.
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A young man was arrested by the police at the Kantamanto fire scene. He was found with a knife and accused of looting during the chaos.
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