In a recent episode of the popular Ghanaian dating show Date Rush, an unexpected mishap has become the talk of social media. Moses, a contestant on the show, took a tumble off the stage while serenading Emelia, a lady seeking love among the contestants.
The romantic gesture turned into a dramatic moment when Moses, in the middle of his heartfelt performance, lost his footing and fell off the stage.
Moses is seen and heard singing a love song for Emelia and then he moved from where he stood towards her and that was when he fell.
The incident, captured on video, quickly went viral, eliciting a range of reactions from netizens.
Despite the fall, Moses continued his attempt to impress Emelia, demonstrating his resilience and dedication. The show’s hosts and crew swiftly came to his aid, ensuring he was unharmed and able to proceed with the show.
Netizens had a field day with the incident, flooding social media with humorous and supportive comments:
– Uncle Jay (@Mr_Domfeh): “Seriously like ebi me aa, from there ground norrrr adey go house be that😂😂😂😂😂”
– Nii (@CulioGH): “You see why God no make Moses take the Israelites reach the promise land? 🤭🤭”
– Baftey🥷🏾 (@akokc_davido): “He has really fallen for the girl😂😂❤️”
– 𝑀𝑅. 𝐹𝑅𝐼𝑀𝑃𝑂𝑁𝐺🇬🇭🇨🇦 (@manuelphrimpz): “He fell in love 😍”
– Mr Adomako (@Manaja_32): “Ibi this babe way he dey stress for ?”
Daterush, known for its entertaining and sometimes unpredictable moments, once again delivered a memorable scene, showing the lengths to which contestants will go to win the hearts of their potential partners. The show continues to captivate audiences with its blend of romance, drama, and humor.
See video:
The unfortunate moment when Moses fell off the stage while trying to wow Emelia with his voice 💔🤣#DateRush
— #TV3GH (@tv3_ghana) May 26, 2024
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