In the early hours of Sunday, a disturbing incident unfolded, leaving one female South African in a state of shock and vulnerability. Shared on social media, the account of the ordeal has ignited a wave of concern and calls for action within the local community.
According to the Twitter user, who remains unidentified, the night took a terrifying turn after she entered what she believed to be a metered taxi. Initially seeking a ride to her estate, the individual soon found herself losing consciousness inside the vehicle, only to awaken in a precarious and unfamiliar location.
The chilling revelation came to light as she discovered she had been drugged and robbed, stripped of cash and a prized possession – her iPhone 15. What was meant to be a routine journey turned into a nightmare, with the driver veering off course and lingering unnervingly near the victim’s estate.
The trail of the stolen phone offered a glimpse into the harrowing journey, with its signal tracing a path from Brakpan to Springs, culminating at 07:36 on Sunday morning. The unexpected detour, confirmed by timestamps, underscores the severity of the situation and raises alarming questions about the safety of transportation services in the area.
In a plea for assistance, the victim implores fellow residents to come forward with any information that could aid in identifying the perpetrator or shed light on the incident. She shared a picture of the man.