A woman’s romantic journey took an unexpected turn when she discovered the shocking truth: her lover was actually her cousin.
She shared her amazing story on social media, detailing how she met her boyfriend on the dating app Hinge, waited for the discovery to occur, and began a five-month relationship.
The woman claimed that she was initially drawn to his seductive hazel eyes and that, after a few dates, their friendship turned into a committed partnership. However, the plot thickened when it came time for them to introduce each other to their respective parents.
The couple made the decision to eat dinner with both sets of parents in the hopes of having a typical family gathering.
But the atmosphere shifted dramatically the instant her father and her boyfriend’s mother found out they were connected.
The woman described in great detail how her father’s face turned white upon learning that her boyfriend’s mother was, in fact, his cousin. The news shocked both families, especially since they had not seen one another in thirty years and had spent decades living on opposite sides of the country.
The astounding turn of events, which brought to light how serendipitous their relationship was, has left both families still in shock.