In a disturbing incident that unfolded in Senya Bereku, Isaac Saint, a man in his late 30s, fell victim to a brutal assault by a group of motorcycle riders.
Witnesses described a harrowing scene, recounting how Mr. Saint endured merciless beatings at the hands of his assailants, leaving him with severe injuries and blood streaming from his nostrils and head, as he pleaded for mercy in vain.
The catalyst for this shocking attack stemmed from a grave accusation leveled against Mr. Saint. Allegations surfaced that he was responsible for the disappearance of a ‘pragya’ driver’s penis, which reportedly vanished shortly after the driver dropped off Mr. Saint at his residence.
Despite the brutality of the assault, swift police intervention thankfully halted the violence, and Mr. Saint was rescued and rushed to the Senya Polyclinic for urgent medical attention.
Meanwhile, authorities conducted an examination of the complainant to verify the serious accusation that had triggered the vicious attack.
However, the outcome of the medical examination revealed an unexpected twist. Contrary to the initial claim, the complainant’s penis was found to be intact, effectively debunking the allegations against Mr. Saint.