Hopeson Adorye, a prominent figure within the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has admitted to leading a team that detonated dynamite in the Volta Region during the 2016 elections.
Adorye disclosed that the explosive tactic was employed by the NPP to intimidate voters in the region and suppress the turnout for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), particularly in its stronghold.
Speaking candidly, Adorye acknowledged orchestrating the explosive incident as a deliberate strategy to deter voters from casting their ballots for the NDC.
The admission sheds light on the lengths to which political operatives may go to influence electoral outcomes and gain a competitive advantage.
See video and netizens reactions:Â
Hopeson Adorye has confessed he led a team to blast a Dynamite in the Volta Region during the 2016 Elections.
He continued, it was a tactic employed by @NPP_GH to scare voters in Region from Voting, a means to reduce @OfficialNDCGh votes in his Stronghold. pic.twitter.com/aPrjOxMgsW
— Kyei Meshack (@KyeiMeshack) May 6, 2024
inou – Hmmm Npp the serious cartel party it needs to be taken seriously. Thank Hopeson Adorye the connection man between nana Addo and Serwah Broni. He’s disappointed in his party Npp
Owura chelsea – But when Koku Anyidoho was revealing all your serects and telling Ghanaians how wicked Mahama is you people were calling him names mmoa party.
Giant cock – For how long are we going to allow politicians abuse power right under our noses? Why is @GhPoliceService quiet about this? It’s so sadÂ
Moni Pilar – So with all this evidence @GhPoliceServicewatching this man walking freely without him in custody cos what he confessed is a crime
Sammi – Scaring Ewes with what? I blame some of the media houses How can you allow someone to lie to your listener